Back in the mid-90s I self-published a book "Dearest Sattie: Civil War Letters of Capt. Charles Oren, 5th USCT", which as you might suspect from the title is the war correspondence of an ancestor, who was an officer of black troops KIA at Petersburg. It found its way into the bibliography of at least one work on related topics, and as a result about once a year someone tracks me down looking for a copy. The original stock has been exhausted long ago, but thanks the advent of net-based publishing, I've now got it back in print in a new edition, including two additional letters and further family and historical background. So once the Google crawler comes through here again, there's an answer to the question of how to get a copy of "Dearest Sattie":
You order a copy of "Dearest Sattie" at, right here.