On January 19th, 2010, a man named Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh died in a hotel in Dubai. Since his day job was a senior leader of the terrorist organization Hamas, with particular expertise in smuggling Iranian arms into the Gaza strip, his demise was mourned only by a select few.
Things became became more interesting when the autopsy apparently showed that what looked like a natural causes death was in fact a murder, possibly a Tazering followed by suffocation. Dubai's public places are well salted with surveillance cameras that are several grades better than those at the corner 7-11, and the local authorities went to work hunting in their captured footage for those who had done the dirty deed.
Leading to this fascinating 27 minute video. Silent, with title cards and subtitles explaining the images you're looking at - as the surveillance teams arrive in country, check into hotels, wait for the target to arrive and go to ground, stake out the premises and rent a room across the hall, rendezvous with a hit team, and set up a perimeter while the killing is done, then clear the area. You see everything but the deed itself. A bizarre, 21st century Day of the Jackal as silent film in miniature.
What you won't find out is whodunnit. (Note that the passports from which the names and faces shown at the end of the video were taken, turned out to be fakes - based on real people, but with bogus passport numbers or other information.) Suspicion has naturally focused on the Israeli Mossad, since they'd have plenty of reason to wish this guy dead. Israel is following their usual 'refuse to confirm or deny' which usually means 'yes', but now the Dubai police have arrested two Palestinians who once worked for Palestinian Authority security (Hamas and the PA are not exactly best buds), so who knows?
Update: A mystery writer speculates.