The vacation mentioned in the last post did not produce further posts, but it did permit some thinking about the direction of this blog and my writing in general.
That kind of introduction often precedes an announcement that the blogger in question is hanging it up. That's not the case here, but the nature of my writing is going to change. When I started the public version of Due Diligence, much of the material was by-product of research and analysis that I was doing for Pacifica Fund in the course of market and company level diligence (hence the title). Another substantial chunk of the material was my own reaction to seeing repeated misunderstandings or lack of knowledge regarding the venture processs among entrepreners and press, and was also the record of my internalizing the requirements of a new trade.
As the Fund's portfolio has matured, there's less open-ended investigation to recycle. The day-to-day information diet is much more in depth and focused on existing portfolio companies and their markets and opportunities. Perhaps needless to say, much of it is explicitly confidential, and very little is information that I'm going to tell over in a public venue. At the same time, the number of VC bloggers and the store of quality writings about the venture process have grown, and I see little incentive to gratuitously repeat myself or others in this venue.